This week, we are saying thank you and farewell to our brilliant Journals Coordinator, Madelyn Reichert, as she embarks on her new journey. During her time at CUA Press, Maddy has spent invaluable time and energy doing work for the Catholic Historical Review, alongside her other Journals duties. We will miss Maddy dearly, (including her fun-facts of the day) and wish her all the best in her new role!
Q: What project or journal was the most rewarding to work on during your time at the Press?
A: I personally found the chance to read so many wonderful and fascinating articles during my copy editing work for the Catholic Historical Review to be my most rewarding task while working with the Press. I got to work with many brilliant (and very patient and kind!) authors, and had the privilege of being introduced to many aspects of Catholic history about which I might never have known.

Q: What is your funniest/most favorite memory of working at the Press?
A: There are too many to choose just one! I’d my favorite is not a single memory but a series of memories—going on the weekly Starbucks runs with the other members of the Press, talking to all of you and getting to know you better. But as far as “funniest” goes, I’d have to choose the new journals “baby shower” announcement ! We had a little photo shoot where I held up the new journals, and Olivia, the marketing assistant at the time, baked a three-tiered cake with the colors of the three new journals (red, purple and green). The cake was delicious and the “announcement” post was hilarious.
Q: If you could go back in time to your first day at CUA Press, and give yourself one piece of advice—personal or professional—what would it be?
A: Relax. 🙂 I know it seems daunting right now, but you’re going to figure out the job and you’ll love your amazing coworkers. Everything is going to be okay. (Also, trust the handbook on all matters, and if it’s not in the handbook, figure it out and then put it in the handbook!)