Book Club Picks

General Interest

Renewing Our Hope

Essays for the New Evangelization

Robert Barron, Christophe Pierre

In a time of discouragement, how can the Church renew itself and its outreach to all people? Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, insists that a "dumbed down" Catholicism...

The Dry Wood

Caryll Houselander

In the English-speaking world, the Catholic Literary Revival is typically associated with the work of G. K. Chesterton/Hilaire Belloc, Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene. But in fact the Revival’s most...

The End of the House of Alard

Sheila Kaye-Smith

The Catholic University of America Press is pleased to present the second volume in our Catholic Women Writers series, which will attempt to bring new attention to prose work of Catholic women writers...

Ethical Excellence

Philosophers, Psychologists, and Real-Life Exemplars Show Us How to Achieve It

Heidi M. Giebel

Why do some people achieve ethical excellence while others fail? For example, how did Gloria Lewis overcome a lifetime of difficulty and go on to found a non-profit focused on feeding the homeless while...

Betting on Freedom

My Life in the Church

Angelo Scola, Luigi Geninazzi, Carlo Lancellotti

In this wide-ranging conversation with the Italian journalist Luigi Geninazzi, Cardinal Angelo Scola discusses both the salient moments of his own life and the path and situation of the Church and society...

A Catechism for Family Life

Insights from Catholic Teaching on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Parenting

Sarah Bartel, John S. Grabowski

The purpose of A Catechism for Family Life: Insights from Catholic Teaching on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Parenting is to present the teachings of the Catholic Church as they relate to specific questions...

Theology and Catholic Social Teaching

The Light of Christ

An Introduction to Catholicism

Thomas Joseph White

The Light of Christ provides an accessible presentation of Catholicism that is grounded in traditional theology, but engaged with a host of contemporary questions or objections. Inspired by the theologies...

In Reasonable Hope

Philosophical Reflections on Ultimate Meaning

Patrick Masterson

In Reasonable Hope considers three foundational responses to this quest for some understanding of the existence, meaning, and value of everything. Other approaches can be considered as combinations...

Mysteries of the Lord's Prayer

Wisdom from the Early Church

John Gavin, George Weigel

The Lord’s Prayer contains mysteries generally overlooked by most Christians. For the Fathers of the Church, such mysteries or "difficulties"—many of which continue to puzzle modern scholars—marked...

Naming Our Sins

How Recognizing the Seven Deadly Vices Can Renew the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Jana M. Bennett, David Cloutier

What would it take to renew our ability to name our sins in a meaningful and pertinent way? Naming sins is a particularly important task for Catholic moral theology, but it is one that often falls back...

Counsels of Imperfection

Thinking through Catholic Social Teaching

Edward Hadas

For more than a century, the teaching authority of the Catholic Church has attempted to walk along with the modern world, criticizing what is bad and praising what is good. Counsels of Imperfection...

The Quotable Saint Jerome

St. Jerome, Scott Hahn, Justin McClain

Among the illustrious writers of the early Church, Saint Jerome (345-420) had a way with words few could equal. To honor the 1600th anniversary of the death of this patron saint of librarians and Scripture...

Handbook of Catholic Social Teaching

A Guide for Christians in the World Today

Martin Schlag, Peter K.A. Turkson

Living out the social message of the Catholic Christian faith is not only an academic question. But if someone asked you for one book that clearly elucidated that message, what could you give them?Just...

Manual de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia

Una guia para los cristianos en el mundo de hoy

Martin Schlag, Peter K.A. Turkson

Los cristianos a lo largo de los siglos han buscado poner en práctica el mandamiento de Cristo de amar al prójimo, y con el paso del tiempo, la Iglesia ha formulado una enseñanza social para ayudar...

Special Topics

Be Opened!

The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture

Marlana Portolano

Be Opened! The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture offers readers a people’s history of deafness and sign language in the Catholic Church. Paying ample attention to the vocation stories of deaf priests...

The Garden of God

Toward a Human Ecology

Pope Benedict XVI

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, tells of the creation of the world and our dominion over it. But is this the whole story? The planet on which we live is ecologically fragile, and all people of...

A Catechism for Business

Tough Ethical Questions & Insights from Catholic Teaching, third edition

Andrew V. Abela, Joseph E. Capizzi

In the four years since the publication of the second edition of A Catechism for Business, Pope Francis' enormous contributions to spreading the good news of the gospel has led to his promulgation...

Black Catholic Studies Reader

History and Theology

David J. Endres, Wilton Cardinal Gregory

This first-ever Black Catholic Studies Reader offers an introduction to the theology and history of the Black Catholic experience from those who know it best: Black Catholic scholars, teachers, activists,...

Pope John Paul II Speaks on Women

Deely Brooke

John Paul II (1978-2005) was the first pope to speak extensively on the challenges of the historic changes of the situation of women in modernity and postmodernity. He addressed matters such as the...

The Privilege of Being a Woman

Alice Von Hildebrand

Women historically have been denigrated as lower than men or viewed as privileged. Dr. Alice von Hildebrand characterizes the difference between such views as based on whether man's vision is secularistic...