Any translator interested in proposing a new project is invited to submit to the Press a formal proposal, which must include the following:
- A prospectus fully identifying the project and making the case for its publication;
- An outline and sample (10 or more double-spaced pages) of what the Translator would write in the introduction as well as a bibliography;
- A sample translation of 20–25 double-spaced pages, along with footnotes;
- A copy of the Greek, Latin, or Syriac text corresponding to the sample;
- The Translator’s curriculum vitae.
The proposal will be read and evaluated by at least two other scholars. On the basis of their evaluations, the Editorial Board will accept or decline the project for publication. Acceptance of a project may be conditional upon the fulfillment of recommendations to the Translator for revision, or the Translator may receive a suggestion to revise and re-submit his or her proposal for further consideration.
Upon full acceptance of the project, we draw up a contract between the Press and the Translator and establish a date by which the completed typescript—title page, contents page, select bibliography, introduction, translation, and footnotes—are due. We do not assign a projected date for publication of the work until the entire typescript is in our office.
For a variety of reasons, we publish no more than two FOTC volumes and one FOTC MC volume per year. This pace may be slower than that of other series of translated patristic or medieval texts, but we believe that our process produces a high-quality result.