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Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2
A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs
Imprint: Catholic University of America Press
Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2: A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs follows upon the first volume of this series entitled Jesus Becoming Jesus. The first volume was a theological interpretation of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Unlike many conventional biblical commentaries, Weinandy concentrates on the theological content contained within John’s Gospel. He does this in the light of the Church’s doctrinal and theological tradition, particularly in keeping with the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution, Dei Verbum. This is accomplished through a close reading of John’s Gospel, theologically interpreting each chapter of the Gospel sequentially. In so doing he also takes into account the Johannine corpus as a whole. He also relates John’s Gospel to relevant material found within the Synoptic Gospels, the Pauline Corpus and other New Testament writings.
This original theological interpretation focuses primarily on the intertwining theological themes contained within John’s Gospel, specifically within the Prologue and the Book of Signs – light and darkness, the seven miracle-signs, the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist, the seven "I Am" sayings, the contentious dialogues with the Jews, Jesus’ relationship to his Father as the Father’s incarnate Word and Son, etc. Within all of these interlocking themes one finds the importance of Jesus’ saving actions – the salvific works of his Father. The overarching theme of this book, as the title suggests, is that Jesus, being named Jesus, throughout his public ministry is enacting his name and so becoming who he is – YHWH-Saves.
Weinandy offers a singular, vibrant, and luminous reading of John’s Gospel; one that reveals the Evangelist’s theological depth and doctrinal sophistication. In so doing, Weinandy makes manifest the particular beauty of the Gospel According to John.
Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap. is a member of the International Theological Commission and the author of Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels (CUA Press).
"Weinandy's work indeed brings new insight and theological vibrancy to the study of the gospels. I am not aware of any other contemporary source that manages to capture in one volume such an extensive theological exposition of the gospels. Imparts a delightful freshness to the study of the gospels today, adapting traditional theological concepts to a modern context in order to help readers better see the face of Jesus who is true man and son of the Father."
~Matthew J. Ramage, author of The Experiment of Faith: Pope Benedict XVI on Living the Theological Virtues in a Secular Age (CUA Press)
"Having given us an excellent exposition of the Synoptic Gospels in Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 1, Father Thomas Weinandy has now produced a fascinating theological reflection on John's Gospel. It is a deeply personal work that reflects the author's own faith and rigorous theological training. Emerging from the one and the same oral gospel tradition, the Beloved Disciple is seen as the interpreter of the Synoptics who enhances 'the evermore radiant portrait of Jesus becoming Jesus.' This book is not an abstract treatise of speculative theology, but rather a mediation on the Incarnation that lends itself to Kniende Theologie."
~Cardinal Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Boston
"When it comes to unpacking Christology, explaining who Jesus is, there is no scholar better at this in the English-speaking world than Weinandy. In this sequel to his J esus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels, Weinandy studies the person of Christ through the lens of the Gospel of St. John, in which Jesus speaks with a 'divine gravitas.' This work is rich in theological insights, but more than that, it leaves the reader feeling confirmed in his or her faith. The theological virtues of faith, hope and love are all on show here."
~Tracey Rowland, University of Notre Dame, Australia
"Fr. Weinandy's theological interpretation of the Gospel of St. John is a great gift. It brings to life the Trinity, the Incarnation and the Sacraments. Jesus, in all his splendor, is made manifest. It is a true treasure (with many surprising gems) that I am able to bring with delight to the faithful that I serve."
~Fr. James Thermos, St. Francis de Sales, Denver, CO
"Fr. Thomas Weinandy is a committed Capuchin, but this new volume of his trilogy on the Gospels brings to mind an old Dominican adage: 'Contemplata aliis tradere'—to hand on, communicate what one has contemplated. This study of the first part of John—which follows the first volume, on the Synoptic Gospels, and will be followed by a reading of John 13-21—is the fruit of loving contemplation, and demands no less of the reader."
~First Things
" Jesus Becoming Jesus has the commendable quality of never being boring and always being thought-provoking. It is the mature work of a theologian seeking to penetrate deeply into the meaning of the Gospel and to the identity and character of the Triune God as manifested in the saving acts of the Word made flesh. Even when offering extended doctrinal readings, this theological-doctrinal reading of the Fourth Gospel always stays close to the biblical text. It remains a genuine biblical commentary crafted by a reliable guide to the profound mysteries of John’s Gospel."
~Nova et Vetera
"The present work is a valuable guide to the inspired work of St. John. While Father Weinandy is a professional theologian, no one should fear that his writing is inaccessible; indeed, any decently catechized believer can read, understand and profit from this text."
~The Catholic Response
"In his Jesus Becoming Jesus series, Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy follows the path renewed by Pope Benedict and urged by the Council. Like Benedict, he deliberately sets aside the Scripture commentaries and historical-critical debates. He confines himself to the text and applies his theological mind to the Scriptures. The result is a wonderful work that draws out the theological meaning and import of the Gospels and is true scriptural theology… He brings out the saving truths of our faith from the pages of Scripture but, unlike many theologians, without shattering the wonder of the Word-Made-Flesh. By way of piety and thought, he deepens our knowledge of how Jesus is Jesus to us."
~National Catholic Register