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A Catechism for Business
Tough Ethical Questions and Insights from Catholic Teaching
Edited by Joseph E. Capizzi
Imprint: Catholic University of America Press
5.50 x 8.50 in
Many managers who believe themselves to be religious are all too willing to "check their religion at the door" of their workplaces. They may simply be ignorant of the implications of their faith for their business practices. Catholic teaching on business and economics has been described (with intentional irony) as the Church's "best kept secret." The Catholic Church has over the years developed extensive and detailed guidance for many areas of business. But this guidance is often buried within lengthy teaching documents that may not be easily accessible to the busy executive. Answers to specic moral questions may be tough to find. A Catechism for Business presents the teachings of the Catholic Church as they relate to more than one hundred specific and challenging moral questions that have been asked by business leaders. Andrew V. Abela and Joseph E. Capizzi have assembled the relevant quotations from recent Catholic social teaching as responses to these questions. Questions and answers are grouped under major topics such as marketing, nance, and investment. Business ethics questions can be too subtle for definitive yes / no answers, so the book delivers no more and no less than church teaching on each particular question. Where the church has offered denitive answers, the book provides them. When the church has not, the book offers guidelines for reflection and insights into what one should consider in given situations. The book's easy-to-use question and answer approach invites quick reference for tough questions and serves as a basis for reection and deeper study in the rich Catholic tradition of social doctrine.
DR. ANDREW V. ABELA is the Dean of the School of Business & Economics at the Catholic University of America. DR. JOSEPH E. CAPIZZI is the Director of Moral Theology in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America
"A Catechism for Business can be a fine supplement for a business person’s support group or for an ethics seminar."
~Initiatives: In Support of Christians in the World
"…An outstanding step in the right direction… Abela and Capizzi have built their book on honest, often uncomfortable queries. No softballs. Every pitch is hard… These questions were carefully chosen and worded by the professors in concert with businessmen and women to represent real street-level concerns. Simply skimmingthe table of contents is an ethically provocative exercise."
~Maxwell Anderson, The Lamb of Wall Street, Comment Magazine, Cardus
" A Catechism for Business undertakes a valuable and much needed project: bringing the insights of Catholic social teaching in a useable form to people engaged in business and commerce… A book such as this that organizes material from the primary sources around particular questions in a coherent stucture will be a great help to many Catholic business people who want to live a unified life in which their faith informs their working life... Overall, I would hope that this volume is widely read and used as the editors suggested. It brings the teachings of the Church to a lay audience in a useable way. If those teachins are applied consistently, they will greatly improve our economic and social life."
~Journal of Markets & Morality
"A welcome compendium of magisterial teaching on topics relevant to business managers and leaders… A Catechism for Business is a reference book that every Catholic would benefit from, whether or not they work in business."
~The Catholic Social Science Review