Tag: Thomas Aquinas

Q&A with Joshua Brown

Q&A with Joshua Brown

We are pleased to have Joshua Brown on our blog to discuss his new book Aquinas and the Early Chinese Master. Joshua Brown is associate professor of theology at Mount St. Mary’s University (Md.).
Q&A with William H. Marshner

Q&A with William H. Marshner

We are delighted to have William H. Marshner join us on the blog to discuss his newly released translation of Cardinal Cajetan’s Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: Prima Pars. The translation is divided into three separate free-standing volumes. William H. Marshner is Professor Emeritus of Theology, Christendom College, and the editor and translator of Defending the Faith: An Anti-Modernist Anthology (CUA Press).  
Q&A with Jonathan R. Heaps

Q&A with Jonathan R. Heaps

One of the most important, but also most challenging arguments in the book is that the actions of rational, free agents (like humans and God) are what they are because of what the agent means by them. And so while the first half of the book is concerned with a metaphysical question about how it can be that God acts in human action, in the second half, we eventually turn to the question, what is God doing in human action? And this question requires that theology be not only a metaphysical enterprise, but also a hermeneutical one. In other words, we need to be able to interpret what God means by what God is doing in human action. And because the earlier part of the book establishes that there are not parts of creation where God is not acting—God, after all, is the maker of “all things”—that means that the data for this hermeneutical project are given not just in some particular “religious” area of human action, nor in one particular institution or one culture or one community, but in and through all of the product of human action in every human community in every place and every time. It means that the theological enterprise, considered at its most fundamental level (and my book is probably best understood as a work of “fundamental theology”), is as wide and deep and tall as human history itself.
Q&A with Fr. Ryan Connors

Q&A with Fr. Ryan Connors

We were delighted to have Fr. Ryan Connors on our blog to discuss his book Rethinking Cooperation with Evil: A Virtue-Based Approach. Fr. Ryan Connors is a priest of the Diocese of Providence (RI) and professor of moral theology at St. John’s Seminary (Boston).
Aquinas on the Intersection Between Law and Morality

Aquinas on the Intersection Between Law and Morality

The central aim of my book is to show some of the advantages of taking into consideration Aquinas’s account of the juridical phenomenon in contemporary legal (theoretical and practical) contexts.
Q&A with Thomas Joseph White

Q&A with Thomas Joseph White

It could be a mistake for people who study the theology of Thomas Aquinas to think of themselves as outside the landscape of modernity. Aquinas actually refers to himself as a modern person because he takes it that he comes after the ancient and patristic period.
Books on the Eucharist

Books on the Eucharist

As dioceses throughout the nation have named 2022 a Year of the Eucharist as a part of the 3-year Eucharistic revival plan launched by the US Bishops General Assembly this November, we’d like to highlight some of our best books on the source and summit of Christian life.
A Sommelier’s Top 10 CUA Press Books

A Sommelier’s Top 10 CUA Press Books

As the UP Week blog tour train rolls into our station, we asked a sommelier friend of ours to come in and pick the ten best books we’ve produced in the past ten years.
Fall/Winter 2021-22 Catalog is Out NOW

Fall/Winter 2021-22 Catalog is Out NOW

The CUA Press is pleased to kick off our new book season with the release of our Fall/Winter 2021-2022 Catalog! Here are just a few of the exciting upcoming titles… READ MORE

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