Tag: Russian literature

Excerpt From “Why Read Pavel Florensky?”

Excerpt From “Why Read Pavel Florensky?”

Why, then, read Pavel Florensky? In an era in which pressing concerns of this world—political, social, technological, and material—so easily become all-consuming, Florensky directs us to the “other”—heavenly, divine—world that is always near us and around us but that we so easily miss. As he probes the mystical depth of all that exists, he teaches us to attend also to the “otherness” of the people and things with which we share “this” world—to enter into their unique existence, where we will rediscover ourselves. We will learn to treat the created order with reverence, to live in right relation with one another, and to open ourselves to a transcendent dimension of life.
Staff Bookshelf November 2022

Staff Bookshelf November 2022

We have reached Full Fall Mode here in DC. That means sweaters, hot beverages, fallen leaves, and of course, good books! Here are the stories on our minds as we’ve enjoyed the changing seasons.

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