Tag: literary studies

Excerpt of Faithful Fictions

Excerpt of Faithful Fictions

The image of international Catholicism has itself undergone a change since the Second Vatican Council. The Church began to pay more attention to the individual conscience, to ecumenism, and to social justice, although there has also been fierce resistance to these trends in some quarters. Yet for a long period, Catholicism had seemed powerfully authoritarian and reactionary, and it was understandable that it should have been seen as set against all the social and political developments on which the genre of the novel was held to depend.
Books for Literature Lovers

Books for Literature Lovers

There are all sorts of bibliophiles in the world, but who loves books more than literature buffs? From novels to poetry, medieval translations to modern analyses, we have fantastic contributions to the field of literary studies that we know you’ll enjoy.
Book Backstory with Lee Oser

Book Backstory with Lee Oser

It was a challenge to leave the enclaves of modernist literature, where my work was generally accepted, to face rejection as a novice in the world of Shakespeare studies. I suffered many embarrassments before I learned to defend and advance the positions I take in this book.
Excerpt of Shakespeare and the Idea of Western Civilization

Excerpt of Shakespeare and the Idea of Western Civilization

One of the defining features of great poetry is an extraordinary sensitivity to the spiritual currents of the age—to disturbances in the fabric of a culture’s moral consciousness. It is, therefore, not surprising that the greatest poet of the English language should manifest an awareness of the nominalist assumptions that had begun to permeate the web of daily life by the end of the sixteenth century.

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