Tag: humor

Thank you, Olivia!

Thank you, Olivia!

This week, we are saying goodbye to our wonderful Marketing Assistant, Olivia Schmitz. Olivia has been with us since 2021 and has made her mark, taking on design work for book & journal covers, formatting catalogs, and even creating this very blog. While we are sad to see her go, we are very excited to see what she has in store for her next adventure! Before she starts her new journey, we asked her a few questions about her time working at the Press.
Parody Covers to Celebrate Our Anniversary!

Parody Covers to Celebrate Our Anniversary!

Now, the plan was to spotlight our new in-house designer, Mr. Jake Gaffe*, by asking him to give some of our best books from over the years a fresh coat of paint. Long story short, there was a bit of a mix-up, and the covers we got were a little different than we were expecting…
Staff Bookshelf November 2022

Staff Bookshelf November 2022

We have reached Full Fall Mode here in DC. That means sweaters, hot beverages, fallen leaves, and of course, good books! Here are the stories on our minds as we’ve enjoyed the changing seasons.
Staff Bookshelf September 2022

Staff Bookshelf September 2022

For many of us, September means the end of vacations and the start of the school year. While it’s sad to say goodbye to our beach reads, we’re excited to jump back into routine with our commute books and bedtime stories. Here are the books keeping us company as we settle into our schedules, new and old.

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