Tag: faith and reason

Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Following Ratzinger’s lead, I would say that the question ought not to be how we can defend the faithful against the advances of this science but rather how we can engage in dialogue with it so as to more deeply penetrate the mysteries of the Christian faith and, in turn, illumine the science with our faith.
Q&A with Grant Kaplan

Q&A with Grant Kaplan

The conversation has not stopped, and it will continue. Here I do not mean to suggest any futility; these interventions helped many avoid error and come to see how faith can be intelligible. New discoveries will continue to create new urgencies to think anew about this relationship.
Excerpt of Faith and Reason through Christian History

Excerpt of Faith and Reason through Christian History

The figure of Gal­ileo, whispering his conviction of heliocentrism in a theocratic Italian court, represents in the minds of many modern people their image of an intrinsic conflict between faith and science, dogma and free enquiry, medieval justice and modern values. As numerous scholars have shown, however, the Galileo trial was largely an anomaly in the history of Catholicism. In the early modern period, it was far more common for religious institutions, especially the Catholic Church, to embrace with zeal the latest scientific discoveries, which by and large confirmed their worldview.

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