Tag: excerpt

Excerpt of Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, Land, and State of Israel

Excerpt of Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, Land, and State of Israel

A Catholic engagement in relationship with the Jewish people is rooted in a context. For many in the Church today that context is forged in Europe in the mid-twentieth century. What do Christian-Jewish relations look like from the perspective of a Catholic theologian who is a Palestinian Arab? How does that perspective impact how Catholic theology might see the Land of Israel and the State of Israel?
Excerpt of The Dry Wood

Excerpt of The Dry Wood

Father Malone had been dead for nearly a year, but his presence in the parish did not diminish. It grew, it was almost tangible. Every day joy increased like a warm and lasting spring after a long winter.
Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

A bout of tuberculosis forced me to interrupt my studies from May 1963 to June 1964. I was forced to spend long periods in the mountains. Far from my friends and immersed in solitude, I had the opportunity to reflect on the Christian journey I had started years ago.
Book Backstory with Heidi Giebel

Book Backstory with Heidi Giebel

To help us avert those three dangers, then, philosophy and psychology inform each other to point us down the right path, and the real-life stories of moral exemplars are crucial for providing us concrete models we can readily apply in our own lives.
Excerpt of The Pope by Gerhard Cardinal Müller

Excerpt of The Pope by Gerhard Cardinal Müller

One day, my sister Antonia, who was graduating from high school and thus was in my eyes the highest authority of knowledge, rushed into my room and cried out: “Have you already heard it? The pope has died.”
Excerpt of Black Catholic Studies Reader

Excerpt of Black Catholic Studies Reader

Perhaps it is time for Black Catholics to ask themselves whether Karenga’s Seven Black Values are the final word on what Black spirituality should be. Should not there be a more transcen­dent dimension to Black spirituality?

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