Tag: Evolution

Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Any satisfactory account of how God creates new life forms through evolution must seek to address the role that contingency or chance plays in the natural world. Many people assume that divine providence is incompatible with an evolutionary process that operates through natural selection and random genetic variation.
Excerpt of Respectably Catholic and Scientific

Excerpt of Respectably Catholic and Scientific

Father John Augustine Ryan never won any contests for charisma. Not long after assuming his post at the Catholic University of America in 1915, he solidified his reputation as an uninspiring and even monotonous lecturer, with one student later conferring upon him the questionable distinction of worst teacher he ever had.
Spring/Summer 2022 Catalog is Out NOW

Spring/Summer 2022 Catalog is Out NOW

The CUA Press is pleased to kick off our new book season with the release of our Spring/Summer 2022 Catalog! Here are just a few of the exciting upcoming titles you can look forward to reading

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