Tag: Christianity

Celebrating Blaise Pascal’s 400th Birthday

Celebrating Blaise Pascal’s 400th Birthday

This year, June 19th will mark the 400th birthday of the great French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Pascal’s name and work is no stranger to the CUA Press catalog, so today we want to create our own Blaise Pascal Reader for those who want to learn more about the great intellectual and his work.
Q&A with Grant Kaplan

Q&A with Grant Kaplan

The conversation has not stopped, and it will continue. Here I do not mean to suggest any futility; these interventions helped many avoid error and come to see how faith can be intelligible. New discoveries will continue to create new urgencies to think anew about this relationship.
Q&A with Barbara Mattick

Q&A with Barbara Mattick

As immigrants, the sisters were not familiar with American culture and history, but that lack of understanding also meant that they were not hindered by baggage associated with the Civil War and negative attitudes about black people.
Q&A with Joseph Stuart

Q&A with Joseph Stuart

Sociologists like Margaret Archer have commented on the lack of analytical terms for designating the components of culture. Yet Dawson’s approach to culture provides those terms. They help to coordinate research in terms of the big picture. These elements of culture prevent scholars from neglecting important data sets or spiritual influences.
Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Excerpt of From the Dust of the Earth

Any satisfactory account of how God creates new life forms through evolution must seek to address the role that contingency or chance plays in the natural world. Many people assume that divine providence is incompatible with an evolutionary process that operates through natural selection and random genetic variation.
Book Backstory with Lee Oser

Book Backstory with Lee Oser

It was a challenge to leave the enclaves of modernist literature, where my work was generally accepted, to face rejection as a novice in the world of Shakespeare studies. I suffered many embarrassments before I learned to defend and advance the positions I take in this book.
Excerpt of Black Catholic Studies Reader

Excerpt of Black Catholic Studies Reader

Perhaps it is time for Black Catholics to ask themselves whether Karenga’s Seven Black Values are the final word on what Black spirituality should be. Should not there be a more transcen­dent dimension to Black spirituality?

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