Tag: catholic

Excerpt of An Immigrant Bishop

Excerpt of An Immigrant Bishop

Because of their own political and religious environment, England and his colleagues saw the shifting conditions in the world as advantageous to the Catholic Church; the Irish church, at least, had gained greater freedom because of the eighteenth-century revolutions. He and his colleagues were accustomed to speaking of change, reform, adaptation, republicanism, and democracy as beneficial to the Catholic Church.
Excerpt of Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, Land, and State of Israel

Excerpt of Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, Land, and State of Israel

A Catholic engagement in relationship with the Jewish people is rooted in a context. For many in the Church today that context is forged in Europe in the mid-twentieth century. What do Christian-Jewish relations look like from the perspective of a Catholic theologian who is a Palestinian Arab? How does that perspective impact how Catholic theology might see the Land of Israel and the State of Israel?
Q&A with Thomas Joseph White

Q&A with Thomas Joseph White

It could be a mistake for people who study the theology of Thomas Aquinas to think of themselves as outside the landscape of modernity. Aquinas actually refers to himself as a modern person because he takes it that he comes after the ancient and patristic period.
Lenten Reading List

Lenten Reading List

Lent is an ideal time to contemplate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In commemoration of Ash Wednesday, we’d like to offer you our recommendations for what to read in these next 40 days.
Q&A with President Garvey on Academic Presses

Q&A with President Garvey on Academic Presses

Our mission statement declares that our task is to advance the dialogue between faith and reason for the benefit of the Church and the world. Having an academic press helps us reach that goal in a few ways.
Excerpt of Respectably Catholic and Scientific

Excerpt of Respectably Catholic and Scientific

Father John Augustine Ryan never won any contests for charisma. Not long after assuming his post at the Catholic University of America in 1915, he solidified his reputation as an uninspiring and even monotonous lecturer, with one student later conferring upon him the questionable distinction of worst teacher he ever had.
Pascal, Valuable Now as Ever

Pascal, Valuable Now as Ever

I don’t limit myself, in the book, to restating Pascal: I also argue with him, which I think his writing requires, and which he would have taken as the right way to respond to it.
Q&A with Fr. Thomas Weinandy

Q&A with Fr. Thomas Weinandy

In writing my theological interpretation of John’s Gospel, as I progressed from verse to verse and chapter to chapter, the more I learned, the more I loved the texts.
Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

A bout of tuberculosis forced me to interrupt my studies from May 1963 to June 1964. I was forced to spend long periods in the mountains. Far from my friends and immersed in solitude, I had the opportunity to reflect on the Christian journey I had started years ago.

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