Tag: catholic education

Q&A with Peter Ulrickson

Q&A with Peter Ulrickson

One wishes to avoid extremes. Old mathematics is not simply a museum piece, wholly separate from us, effectively dead. On the other hand, it is not so similar to current mathematics as to be subsumed by it in a mere change of notation.
Vocation, Big Picture, & Integration

Vocation, Big Picture, & Integration

It is hard not to feel demoralized, disempowered, or skeptical about the world today. Who doesn’t want things to be better or work towards improving them? But the path to a new and better reality cannot be one of avoidance.
Q&A with Michael T. Rizzi

Q&A with Michael T. Rizzi

All Jesuit colleges had to survive, and the population of their local communities helped to shape their decisions. Western schools like Seattle University were pioneers in admitting women partly because they were located in smaller, less developed cities where the male population was limited.
Fall/Winter 2022-2023 Catalog is Out NOW

Fall/Winter 2022-2023 Catalog is Out NOW

The CUA Press is pleased to kick off our new book season with the release of our Fall/Winter 2022-2023 catalog! Here are just a few of the exciting upcoming titles you can look forward to reading.
Q&A with Mary J. Brown

Q&A with Mary J. Brown

The University of Dayton controversy continued to escalate because the faculty did not discuss things in a civil manner. When people hold deeply-felt concerns on moral issues, they are willing to do things that seem unimaginable to others, such as report their fellow faculty to the archbishop.
Book Backstory with James Jacobs

Book Backstory with James Jacobs

I majored in philosophy as an undergraduate, and had done two years of theology at a seminary, and so—on paper—I appeared well prepared to teach this class. However, since the philosophy I had learned was modern atheistic philosophy, I struggled to communicate the truth while I tried to complete my education by teaching myself the splendors of the perennial tradition.

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