Tag: autobiography

Staff Bookshelf January 2023

Staff Bookshelf January 2023

According to Forbes, “Make more time for hobbies” was the ninth most popular new year’s resolution for 2023, and we all know that readers make up a large percentage of that movement. Of course, we at the CUA Press are no exception. These are the books we’ve used to kick off 2023!
CUAP Staff July 2022 Bookshelf

CUAP Staff July 2022 Bookshelf

Summer is officially underway, and Mother Nature is making sure the whole country knows it. And how do we plan to beat the heat? The same way we beat the cold, and the rain, and the wind—we read!
Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

Excerpt of Betting on Freedom

A bout of tuberculosis forced me to interrupt my studies from May 1963 to June 1964. I was forced to spend long periods in the mountains. Far from my friends and immersed in solitude, I had the opportunity to reflect on the Christian journey I had started years ago.

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