Tag: Augustine of Hippo

Excerpt of The Power of Patristic Preaching

Excerpt of The Power of Patristic Preaching

Many of us who have been called to evangelize and build up the Church by life and speech want to address the frustrations that upset so many people. We want them to experience the Word through our speaking and living, and we also—sinful, broken creatures ourselves—want to hold fast to the Word.

Q&A with Ty P. Monroe

Q&A with Ty P. Monroe

In his best moments, Augustine persistently reminds us that the sacraments are in some sense objectively effective apart from or prior to us, the recipients, at least insofar as we don’t generate their saving grace. Yet he also shows why and how the sacraments are always brought to their full effect when we subjectively receive that grace and act on it in our lived experience.

Pascal, Valuable Now as Ever

Pascal, Valuable Now as Ever

I don’t limit myself, in the book, to restating Pascal: I also argue with him, which I think his writing requires, and which he would have taken as the right way to respond to it.

Happy Thanksgiving from the CUA Press!

Happy Thanksgiving from the CUA Press!

Here are a few salient Augustine quotes for reflection as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Advent, taken from the Fathers of the Church series and curated by Philip Meton

Books to Read for All Saints’ Day

Books to Read for All Saints’ Day

What better way is there to prepare for All Saints’ Day then by reading about their lives and teachings? Here are some of the best titles we have to offer to help you learn about your favorite models in Christ.

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