November 19, 2021
The poet writes on diverse registers; he strives to be realistic in his depiction of what goes on in a bar at 9AM—something, by the way, that hasn’t changed much in nearly seven hundred years nor from one culture to another.
November 11, 2021
As the UP Week blog tour train rolls into our station, we asked a sommelier friend of ours to come in and pick the ten best books we’ve produced in the past ten years.
November 1, 2021
In honor of All Saints’ Day, the CUAP staff would like to share some of our favorite saints whom we’ll be invoking on this holy day.
October 27, 2021
To help us avert those three dangers, then, philosophy and psychology inform each other to point us down the right path, and the real-life stories of moral exemplars are crucial for providing us concrete models we can readily apply in our own lives.
October 20, 2021
One day, my sister Antonia, who was graduating from high school and thus was in my eyes the highest authority of knowledge, rushed into my room and cried out: “Have you already heard it? The pope has died.”
October 13, 2021
What better way is there to prepare for All Saints’ Day then by reading about their lives and teachings? Here are some of the best titles we have to offer to help you learn about your favorite models in Christ.
October 6, 2021
Church history and historical theology have too often neglected to pay adequate attention to the diversity of voices after the end of the Middle Ages. We have many studies about medieval women and lay people, but hardly anything about their role and influence and participation in the post-Trent church.
September 30, 2021
From 10/14/21-11/14/21, attendees to the Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference can save big on select titles. To get trade books for $15, paperbacks for $20, and hardcovers for $40, use… READ MORE
We at the CUA Press staff can’t satiate our rampant bibliophilia with just making books—we have to consume them as well! From fiction to nonfiction, textbooks to graphic novels, these are the titles that we’ll be reading in the upcoming weeks.