Whether to enlarge your general education, improve your English, or just because you are curious about the society that has had such a lasting influence on our history, our language, our thoughts, and our culture, you should and can learn Latin.
Tamara Trykar-Lu's charming and delightful introduction to Latin, From Puella to Plautus, Volume II, is designed for intermediate to advanced Latin study, at the high school or college level, either with the aid of a teacher and classroom or simply for personal enjoyment and enrichment. In this volume, the reader is introduced more broadly to the subjunctive mood, as well as a broad range of applications of the ablative, accusative, genitive, and dative cases. A wide variety of reading material is presented, including excerpts from the Carmina Burana, the writings of Catullus, the poetry of Ovid, the life of Saint George as told in de Voragine's Golden Legend, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius from the account of Pliny the Elder, and Seneca's story of the murder of Cicero. There follows an extensive summary of the grammar and syntax encountered in both volumes. Last, as a capstone, the reader can enjoy reading and understanding Plautus's comedy Aulularia in the original Latin.
Each chapter ends with a brief outline of some aspect of Roman culture, such as housing, fauna and flora, games, crafts, water supply, and cooking – with recipes. And last but not least there are informative tidbits, drawings, cartoons, jokes, riddles, crossword puzzles, and, of course, pictures distributed throughout the book. For while foreign-language study should be logical, coherent, and rigorous, it need not be heavy-handed or pedantic, and certainly not dull. Ideal for use in courses or for brushing up your language skills, From Puella to Plautus, Volume II is a lively and engaging book about the Latin language and life in the Roman Empire.